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J a n e t  M c E w a n

Who's Who in the Lang Byre Gallery

Participating Image Makers:


Lindsay Agnew and Annie Bungeroth

Alec Angus

Carla Angus

Banchory C.L.D. Staff.

Banchory  Young at Heart Over 60’s Group.

Banchory Young Mums group.

Paul Barton

Brian Battensby

Catriona Battensby

John Berry

Mary Bourne

Leigh Bradley

Annie Bungeroth

Joan Burn

Mary Cane & Susie Hunt

Susan Cassie

Avril Clark

Kelly Compton

Sandy Cooper

Liz Cooper

Helen Denerley

Carol Douglas & 1st Gear

Marius Dufour

Will Duncan

Joan Fleming

Forest View Day Centre service use

Linda Gray

Tom Gray

June Hargreaves

Fiona Hope

Erin Hopps

Delpha Hudson & Ryya Bread

Aimee Holtom

Justin Irvine

Lynn Irvine

Fiona Jack

Ismet Khawaja

Paul Kohn

Edna Leavitt

Janet McEwan

Bryony McEwan and Kerry Cunningham

Celia McIntosh & Megan Calver

Susan McLafferty

Jordan Moffat

Jonquil Nicholl

David Officer

Elaine Ogilvie

Mark Osborne

Lorna Purvis

Morag Robertson

Morag Robertson & Lucie Bray

Sharmila Samant

Moe Satt  & Janet McEwan

Marga Schnell

Eric Swan

Belinda Rose

Neil Russell

Catriona Ward

Lucy Wells and Michelle O’Connor

Peter Williams

Alexandra Zierle & Paul Carter : (image- Francis Griffin)





A few shots of the project installed in The Lang Byre Gallery at Woodend Barn, Banchory, Aberdenshire, Scotland. May 2011.


A printed table/ key was available to enable visitors to identify the author(s) of each image. All work NFS.


Many thanks to all Staff and Volunteers at The Woodend Barn and to Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen,  for the loan of  the display shelves.


Artist/Curator Dane Sutherland visiyed the show wrote this response:



All images & content © Janet McEwan unless otherwise credited.

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