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J a n e t  M c E w a n

A Giant Leap

Oct/Nov 2009. A project space for 2 weeks in Camborne town Centre, located in an empty retail premises ( formerly Motor World!) which invites visitors to consider 'social sustainability', through archaeology and art. The project orbits around Carwynnen Quoit, also known as the Giant's Quoit : a scheduled, but ruined, ancient monument, located in a field a few miles from the town.


The quoit and 5 acres of surrounding land have been prurchased by the Sustainable Trust who are working with other agencies to raise awareness about the quoit in the locale, with the aim of putting it back on its feet and also firmly back on Cornwall's cultural map.


As part of my role as Lead Artist, I curated the project space, and designed and maintained a website to promote and document the fortnight, which hopefully has contributed towards a successful funding bid to the heritage lottery fund to support an exploratory excavation and  education project on the site which started in July 2012.


Funding was not secured to make a touring inflatable Quoit - but we made one anyway!


Unfortunately however, at that point, sadly  there was not enough funding to engage a professional artist for this stage of the project.



The Quoit has since then been restored.

Lower image taken at Winter Solstice 2020.

inflate quoitkitweb.
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